Saturday, May 30, 2009

Life in retrospect

I can just imagine myself when I'm 70 or something,"You stupid kids suck.Everything was better when I was your age.There's no point living anymore.The grass was greener, the rainbows gayer, ice-creams tastier, women prettier...etc,etc".

But you know what?I think humans tend to live lives with rose-tinted glasses, soldered on when your embittered parents tell you everything's not what its cracked up to be, and you'll never reach the heights of success that you want to. It is some sort of defense mechanism, to prepare us for the BIG, BAD world.

Hence, in retrospect, the only thing you see is the remastered,perfect,botched up image of a world that's not really all that great.Don't get me wrong...the world is awesome, but not as awesome as we would like it to be, so as to render some meaning to our purpose-driven lives.

rainbows "in the good old days"---->

how they really were-->See, the actual rainbow is pretty good.But insecure that we are, we always add a few inches more so that everything becomes unbelievably awesome.

Being eighteen now, I hereby resolve to not blow things out of proportion.Period.You may tell me that I'm destined for a mediocre life. But hey, that's pretty amazing too.The fact that i can live, breathe, feel, hurt, cry, laugh...don't you see?It is worth living a "mediocre" life for.

Pessimism sucks. I've been a firm believer in the positive aspects of hating everything up until recently.Basically, I'm hoping I don't have to gloss over the sad parts of life, for everyone has those days.Just take it in your stride.

Here's to me not remembering the "good old days". Here's to me remembering the"pretty normal old days that I really enjoyed to a believable extent".As a friend of mine once put it, imperfections make us what we, breathing humans.
signing off,
yours confusingly,

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hello World

Aaaah...I can feel it.The random connections forming.Somewhere in the deep abyss that is our universe....

I guess this is not your customary blog where you have some angst-ridden teen screaming his figurative lungs out for all that's (apparently) wrong in his life and how everyone hates him and vice versa..
Though the purpose of my creating a blog was initially along the same lines,I had an epiphany.There's simply no point in all that anger.I'd rather just marvel at the beauty of God's creation and bask in the glory of life, of how all seemingly unconnected things have a very,very deep attachment with each other,like some glistening string of oneness.
Yes,through my blog I endeavour to look at,inspect and dissect the various aspects of life.Actually I won't be so arrogant as to say life..make that my life.
Obviously, our world needs a change, a violent and sudden one at that.
I want to shake things up! Maybe a new perspective is all we need to save us from this suicidal spiral that mankind is falling into.

Therefore, my soon-to-be ardent fans(hopefully ;-) ), join me as i live, and love, this marvellous thing called...
